Historically, masturbation was socially prohibited as a physically and psychologically destructive behavior. Today it is more widely accepted as a normal and enjoyable part of human sexuality (Hillman 1975). However, masturbation, when it occurs in a Florida prison, can result in a subsequent jail sentence..
What do these laws mean for teens? Linda Lowen {About.com} writes, “You Say Boyfriend – Some States Say Child Molester.” When Shakespeare brought Romeo and Juliet to life, he was intentional in choosing two young characters as his protagonists. Then as now, two teens having consensual sex is understandable. But an adult molesting a child […]
Effective March 9, 2011, there is a new process governing the restoration of civil rights for felons and new time frames that must be honored prior to submitting an application to the Clemency Board. Restoration of Civil Rights without a hearing is for less serious offenses and requires that the applicant be crime and arrest […]
The controversy regarding the restoration of civil rights for convicted felons ended abruptly on Wednesday, March 9, 2011. The process for restoration, prior to this date, was already severely scarred due to the lack of funding the positions necessary for processing the tens of thousands of applications. Rep. Ari Abraham Porth sponsored HJR bill #51 […]
This article, scripted by Linda Lowen for About.com, addresses the Romeo & Juliet Law which Florida, Indiana, Connecticut and Texas adopted in 2007. This law allows a teen whose sexual partner is at least 14-years-of-age and 4 years younger or less, to be exempt from the Sexual Offender registry. When Shakespeare brought Romeo and Juliet […]
Many wonder if there is any distinct difference between a sexual predator and a sexual offender. The answer is a resounding YES. Wikipedia defines a sex offender (also sexual offender, sex abuser or sexual abuser) as a person who committed a sex crime, although what constitutes a sex crime differs by culture and by legal […]
The ‘People United for Medical Marijuana (PUFMM)’ are waging a political battle to legalize marijuana for medical usage by circulating a petition to place a constitutional amendment on Florida’s November 2010 ballot. To date, thirteen states have enacted medical marijuana laws. The Florida Dept. of Elections has approved the petition and the group is in the process of collecting 68,000 signatures for […]
There is relief under the Romeo and Juliet Law for those convicted of sexual offenses when the age difference between consensual partners is 4 years or less. The Romeo and Juliet Law, passed in 2007, Florida Statute 943.04354 (Title XLVII Criminal Procedures and Corrections), addresses the removal of the requirement to register as a sexual offender […]
Forgotten Majority, The governing policy for the Dept. of Corrections is found in Chapter 33, the Florida Administrative Code. Links for these sites are listed below. Chapter 33, Administrative Code: http://www.dc.state.fl.us/secretary/legal/ch33/index.html