Watch the video 3/8/18:
Protesters are pictured at Gov. Rick Scott’s office dressed to represent offenders who will be negatively impacted by the proposed cutbacks in visitation, in spite of the well known factual benefits of getting a visit. They submitted a petition, authored by Jewie Tryon and addressed to Gov. Scott requesting his swift intervention in stopping the Florida Dept. of Corr. from changing weekly visitation to bi-monthly visitation along with the summary that boasts over 7600 signatures. When protesters discussed FDC’s callous plan with inquisitive Lawmakers at the Capitol, Legislators and Lobbyists were astounded that such a policy would even be considered.

Is it just coincidence that cutting back visitation and introducing video visitation are scheduled to commence almost simultaneously! Is it mere coincidence that Tom Gores, billionaire, and owner of JPay, Securus Technologies and the Detroit Pistons will profit hugely by gouging families who can least afford it via over-priced tablets, text messages that require the cost of a stamp in addition to the texting fee(?) and 15 minute video visits at $3 a pop!