Forgotten Majority

Advocating for the just and humane treatment of those who are incarcerated.


Kairos Outside is an arm of Kairos Prison Ministry International, a non-profit Christian ministry, which provides a spiritual experience for those inside the walls.  Kairos Outside is designed to encourage women whose lives are impacted by the incarceration of a loved one serving time in a state or federal correctional facility as well as a county jail or youth offender program. The Kairos Weekend Retreat is a best kept secret for the wives, mothers, sisters and  friends of those on the inside.  This free, weekend getaway is open to all, regardless of religious orientation, and provides a safe setting for women to interact with others who are in a similar situation and who may also be experiencing feelings of  isolation, loneliness and rejection.  At this ultra retreat, the transparent masks of shame and guilt come off and the walls of pretense come tumbling down.  Though the weekend includes a series of talks by women sharing their personal journeys, it is far more than a ‘Kumbaya’ affair.  There’s lots of food, fun, fellowship and  pampering.  The Kairos staff labors tirelessly to make this a weekend to be remembered.

James Rowland, former Director of California Corrections, said, “There are three things that will help keep an inmate from coming back to prison: some type of spiritual awakening; support by their family during and after incarceration; and having the skills to find a job on the outside after release.”  Prison is a family affair and Kairos Outside does an excellent job of supporting  families and friends who support those on the inside.

To learn more about Kairos Outside:�
For those in Northeast Florida: